In one bombshell request, AEP asked the West Virginia Public Service Commission to increase rates for homeowners by 16% – that’s $325 per year for most of us – and to raise rates for businesses, nonprofits, schools, and places of worship by more than 14% – almost $700 per year on average.
What's worse?
They want to slash net metering rates (the value of solar) by more than 70%, removing the only method folks currently have to protect themselves from these nonsensical and incessant rate increases.
How does that work? Net metering refers to the policy that requires the utility company to credit solar producers for the energy they send onto the grid. Basically, it’s the billing mechanism by which solar saves folks money. Reducing the rate of net metering will reduce the value and savings that solar can deliver. Learn more about how net metering with solar works here.
If AEP gets their way, it’ll look something like this

AEP wants to charge you around 19¢ per kWh for the same old energy from the grid

AEP wants to pay you around 5¢ per kWh for the clean solar energy you send back to the grid
Obviously, we won’t stand for that. We’ve formally intervened in the case and encourage our friends and customers to share their stories and opinions with the PSC. But, we can’t know for sure what they’ll decide… So why risk it?
Stay out of the Fray.
Sign by March 20, 2025, to get solar on your home before any policy changes.
Speak out and speak up.
Existing solar homes will be grandfathered under the current net metering rules for the next 25 years, but we're encouraging all solar advocates to band together and tell the Public Service Commission why you oppose AEP's efforts to raise rates and cut net metering benefits.
Our friends at Solar United Neighbors created a simple way you can make your voice heard. Please click below to leave your comment for the PSC.
Read up on AEP's most recent request.
They refiled their rate case after the PSC kicked back the original and guess what? The gloves are still off. They aren’t letting up.
Read more about how these changes will impact churches.
Houses of worship are carrying the brunt of these rate changes in a disproportionate way.
Read about AEP’s original filing here.
Solar is West Virginia’s only defense against their corporate greed. And they’re coming for it. Make the switch now to stay out of the fray and be done with this nonsense for good.
Go Solar at No Upfront Cost